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What is PRX?

PRX (formerly known as PRX-T33) is a non-invasive skin treatment used for rejuvenation and improvement of various skin conditions. It is often described as a reverse peel, or “bio revitalization.” It contains a unique combination of a trichloroacetic acid (TCA), kojic acid and hydrogen peroxide. It is designed to stimulate the skin’s natural regenerative processes.

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What to Expect from PRX Treatments?

During a PRX treatment, a specially formulated solution is applied to the skin with 4 lbs of pressure to activate the  concentration of TCA, kojic acid and hydrogen peroxide. During the treatment, you may experience a warming or tingling sensation on the skin but it is generally well-tolerated. PRX is often referred to as a reverse chemical peel because it differs from traditional chemical peels in several key ways. For one thing, there is zero downtime with this treatment. You can resume your regular activity immediately after treatment. The skin doesn’t peel or flake the way it does with chemical peels, either. You may experience some dryness, but this is minimized by using the at home skin care provided with your treatments.



Immediate, natural looking results

Improves the appearance of fine lines

Improves the visibility of acne scars and/or sun damage

Topical application-no needles, no pain

Suitable for all skin types

No photosensitivity

PRX Before & After Photos

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Frequently Asked Questions for PRX

What am I committing to with this treatment?

Four 20–30-minute sessions that are 7-10 days apart, supported by daily at home *skin care between sessions. (*skin care provided in the cost of your treatments)

When will I see results?

Results are immediate. You will feel and see the difference before leaving a session and skin improvement will continue to build over 24-48 hours post treatment.

How long does it last?

The four-treatment sequence with compliance to the daily home protocol following each treatment will provide results that last 8 months.

Can PRX-T33 be combined with any other treatments to enhance results?

Yes, it can be combined with several other treatments that we offer. Please speak with a provider to determine what the best option is for you.